176 research outputs found

    Construction of asymptotically good low-rate error-correcting codes through pseudo-random graphs

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    A novel technique, based on the pseudo-random properties of certain graphs known as expanders, is used to obtain novel simple explicit constructions of asymptotically good codes. In one of the constructions, the expanders are used to enhance Justesen codes by replicating, shuffling, and then regrouping the code coordinates. For any fixed (small) rate, and for a sufficiently large alphabet, the codes thus obtained lie above the Zyablov bound. Using these codes as outer codes in a concatenated scheme, a second asymptotic good construction is obtained which applies to small alphabets (say, GF(2)) as well. Although these concatenated codes lie below the Zyablov bound, they are still superior to previously known explicit constructions in the zero-rate neighborhood

    Derandomization, Witnesses for Boolean Matrix Multiplication and Construction of Perfect Hash Functions

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    Ramsey-nice families of graphs

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    For a finite family F\mathcal{F} of fixed graphs let Rk(F)R_k(\mathcal{F}) be the smallest integer nn for which every kk-coloring of the edges of the complete graph KnK_n yields a monochromatic copy of some FFF\in\mathcal{F}. We say that F\mathcal{F} is kk-nice if for every graph GG with χ(G)=Rk(F)\chi(G)=R_k(\mathcal{F}) and for every kk-coloring of E(G)E(G) there exists a monochromatic copy of some FFF\in\mathcal{F}. It is easy to see that if F\mathcal{F} contains no forest, then it is not kk-nice for any kk. It seems plausible to conjecture that a (weak) converse holds, namely, for any finite family of graphs F\mathcal{F} that contains at least one forest, and for all kk0(F)k\geq k_0(\mathcal{F}) (or at least for infinitely many values of kk), F\mathcal{F} is kk-nice. We prove several (modest) results in support of this conjecture, showing, in particular, that it holds for each of the three families consisting of two connected graphs with 3 edges each and observing that it holds for any family F\mathcal{F} containing a forest with at most 2 edges. We also study some related problems and disprove a conjecture by Aharoni, Charbit and Howard regarding the size of matchings in regular 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraphs.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    MPC for Tech Giants (GMPC): Enabling Gulliver and the Lilliputians to Cooperate Amicably

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    In this work, we introduce the Gulliver multi-party computation model (GMPC). The GMPC model considers a single highly powerful party, called the server or Gulliver, that is connected to nn users over a star topology network (alternatively formulated as a full network, where the server can block any message). The users are significantly less powerful than the server, and, in particular, should have both computation and communication complexities that are polylogarithmic in nn. Protocols in the GMPC model should be secure against malicious adversaries that may corrupt a subset of the users and/or the server. Designing protocols in the GMPC model is a delicate task, since users can only hold information about polylog(n) other users (and, in particular, can only communicate with polylog(n) other users). In addition, the server can block any message between any pair of honest parties. Thus, reaching an agreement becomes a challenging task. Nevertheless, we design generic protocols in the GMPC model, assuming that at most α<1/6\alpha<1/6 fraction of the users may be corrupted (in addition to the server). Our main contribution is a variant of Feige's committee election protocol [FOCS 1999] that is secure in the GMPC model. Given this tool we show: 1. Assuming fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), any computationally efficient function with O(npolylog(n))O\left(n\cdot polylog(n)\right)-size output can be securely computed in the GMPC model. 2. Any function that can be computed by a circuit of O(polylog(n))O(polylog(n)) depth, O(npolylog(n))O\left(n\cdot polylog(n)\right) size, and bounded fan-in and fan-out can be securely computed in the GMPC model without assuming FHE. 3. In particular, sorting can be securely computed in the GMPC model without assuming FHE. This has important applications for the shuffle model of differential privacy, and resolves an open question of Bell et al. [CCS 2020]

    Perifiton kao delimična zamena komercijalne hrane u organskom gajenju tilapije u Izraelu

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    Cena hrane čini jednu od najvećih stavki u tekućim troškovima proizvodnje u akvakulturi. Usled potrebe za korišćenjem samo organskih sastojaka, cena koncentrovane hrane za uzgoj organske ribe je izuzetno visoka. Tokom petogodišnjeg perioda rađeni su eksperimenti kako bi se ispitala mogućnost upotrebe različitih supstrata za indukciju rasta perifitona koji bi služio kao prirodna hrana za tilapiju različite veličine, od mlađi do naprednih uzrasnih stadijuma. Kao supstrat, procenjivan je različit poljoprivredni otpad - plastične cevi, najloni i mreže. Različiti supstrati dali su različite prinose perifitona u zavisnosti od njihove površine (glatka ili hrapava) i boje. Rezultati rasta pokazali su da je ušteda hrane od 40% u naprednim fazama rasta dovela do svega 10% redukcije stope rasta tilapije u odnosu na kontrolna jezera, dok je u mladičnjaku moguće smanjiti količinu koncentrovane hrane do 50% bez ograničenja rasta riba. Ovo smanjenje količine hrane od 30-40% dovelo je do poboljšanja koeficijenta konverzije hrane (FCR) od barem 30% u jezerima sa perifitonom (45% u mladičnjacima). Zaključak: upotreba supstrata hrapavih površina za indukciju rasta perifitona može pomoći u recikliranju otpadnih materijala i značajno redukovati troškove hrane u organskoj akvakulturi